In 2003, former Yellow Springs artist, J. Kadir Cannon, began a series of paintings on the themes of war and peace in order to protest the war in Iraq, bombings in Afghanistan, bulldozing in Gaza, nuclear holocaust, and the general and tragic human and environmental costs of war.

This collection, “Anguished Art: Outcries for Peace,” became the inaugural exhibition at Wilmington College’s Harcum Art Gallery as part of the 15th Westheimer Peace Symposium in 2005. A smaller collection of “ecological-themed” and “peace-themed” art is included in the exhibit. In 2020, Susan and Kadir Cannon generously gifted the entire exhibit to the Peace Museum. The collection is so vast, pieces will be rotated throughout the year.

This exhibit is sponsored by Susan and Kadir Cannon.


J. Kadir Cannon Collection – Ongoing